About Us
The Fraser Coast District Bowls Association consists of 18 bowls clubs across the Fraser Coast area.

The District Association for the Fraser Coast runs events and competition for the members of the 18 Clubs across the Region – as well as visitors who are very welcome.
Some of these competitors then qualify for events at State level. All of the Clubs have their social bowling every week but also run a few major events each year themselves.
Check out the Events Calendar on this website. You can go to the Club News or District Events pages to see upcoming events or recent events (and the results).
There are always plenty of Games for you to get involved in!
Fraser Coast District Executive and Appointed Officers (excluding Selectors & Match Committee)
FCDBA Contact:
70/25-67 Pialba Burrum Heads Road, Eli Waters, QLD, 4655
Postal Address: PO Box 7297, Urangan.
Phone: 0460 885 303
Patrick Walsh
Ray Relton
Vice President
Gerry Outhwaite
Ian Sangster
Calvin Baumanis
Match Committee
Kevin Docherty
Match Committee
Jeff Mulhall
Games Director
Nev Jamieson
BQ Delegate
Kerry Dunn
List of key documents as PDF’s
Honour Board Life Members
Over the 5 centuries of lawn bowls on the Fraser Coast, there have been a number of players who have dedicated a lot of time to supporting the District in this sport. These members are Honoured here.
Contact Us
Communication from Club Members is best done through your local Club Secretary
Click here to find your local Club
Fraser Coast District Bowls Association
Secretary: Gerry Outhwaite
Address: PO Box 7297, URANGAN Q 4655
Phone: 0460 885 303